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Election 2020 work resuming virtually

Hello, friends. Thank you for your patience as we chart a new path forward for our 2020 electoral work. We are grateful for (and awed by) the creativity, flexibility, and commitment of our many volunteer leaders who are working to create new opportunities while navigating massive changes in work and family lives. Please know that this is a work in progress and we will have more to offer later! From the PHONEBANK and VOTER REGISTRATION teams In-person voter registration and phonebanks are suspended--but our work will continue! We are hosting two Zoom meetings this week to introduce our volunteers to Zoom and our team leaders. An invite will be sent to those who have already expressed an interest in being part of these teams. During those Zoom meetings, we’ll let you know how to participate in a remote phonebank on Saturday, 3/28. We are also looking into voter registration-oriented phonebanks that will help re-register purged voters in Arizona and other red states. We are starting small but soon hope to offer phonebank opportunities to everyone! From the TEXT team The text team is excited to resume training new texters this week. We will be hosting virtual training sessions this Thursday and Saturday over Zoom. Invitations are going out to the more than 100 people who indicated an interest in texting at our kick-off and grand opening. We expect to be able to accommodate many more new texters in coming weeks so look for more information in future Sister District/Indivisible Yolo emails. With uncertainty about when life will return to normal, we expect reaching voters via text messages to play a more important role in the 2020 elections than ever before. We are committed to building a text team that makes a difference! From the POSTCARD team

OLD POSTCARDS: Please know that if you have turned in postcards to the Center already, those postcards have been picked up and will be on their way to Arizona, Wisconsin, and Florida soon. But what if you have not turned in postcards? As long as the shelter-in-place order is in effect, no one should be making the trip to the Volunteer Center to turn in postcards. If you have cards at home, here’s what you should do:

  • #9 WI Karofsky: These are the ONLY postcards that are time-sensitive and should be mailed this week. If you have them at home and are able to mail them (either with a postcard stamp or first class stamp), please do so by this Friday! If you are not able to finish or mail them, please email us ASAP at with the number on your packet and we have volunteers ready to write and mail them.

  • #6-AZKelly-Health, #7-FL VBM, #8-MarkKellyVoterReg: These are NOT time sensitive. Don’t worry about the deadline; we have permission to mail later! Please hold on to these cards and wait for more instructions.

NEW POSTCARDS: For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on training our volunteers to write for Postcards to Voters (P2V). This is an easy process already used in our community by many postcarders! We will be hosting Zoom info sessions for adults, teens, and children this week. Look for a separate email on Tuesday with lots of details to get your whole family involved!

Watching the Trump administration’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis has driven home just how important our work is. We are adapting to changing circumstances, but we are still committed to changing our country--now more than ever.  Leadership Teams of Indivisible Yolo & Sister District CA-3

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